The full moon in April is known by many as the Wind Moon and also the Pink Moon.
As a person whose affinity is with Earth, I find Air to be the hardest element to attune to as I am a very tactile person. Wind allows me to experience the element of Air. Wind chimes sing, seeds get scattered, the remaining leaves from fall are swept away to make room for new plants and flowers.
Use the wind moon to attune with Air. Wind can symbolize great change. We all face change at one point or another many times during our lives. Take the time to look at what changes you need to make. We planted seeds and they have begun to sprout, in order for them to grow large and strong we need to make changes in our lives that may be hindering our growth. Now is the time to nurture our seedlings and watch them thrive.
The wind can scatter your deepest desires out into the world. Allow yourself to change so you can reap the rewards.
Use clear quartz when thinking of wind. Think of bright colours at this moon, especially blue and yellow.
While we have planted our spiritual and emotional seeds, having a physical activity to remind us of this effort is a great way to stay connected. Plant a physical seed. Nurture it and watch it grow. Watch it thrive as you do.

Charge a clear quartz crystal to carry with you to help you embrace change and grow. You can include words such as these:
The full moon with the strength of wind
is high in the sky and growth begins.
The wind scatters our desires like seeds
and now we will grow through our deeds.
We acknowledge the changes needed to be made
the wind moon is present to bring us aid.
So mote it be.
Many blessings,
Lady Black