There are times when couples argue. From financial worries to personality clashing at the in laws, feelings get hurt and relationships need a little extra TLC. Some of these ingredients are not seasonal, however, with our “supermarkets” and big box stores you should be able to easily find all of the ingredients.
This smoothie was carefully created to bring healing to a myriad of relationships. It helps to facilitate the healing of relationships while cooling tempers and improving communication skills.
You and the person whom you need to share healing with will each drink your own glass of this smoothie while you sort out your troubles. I’ve chosen a goblet style glass to drink this from as the goblet symbolizes water and our emotions, adding another layer of magickal energy.
Put on some soothing music and light a white candle for purity, or choose another color based on the relationship. (Pink for friendship, red for love, and so forth). Be sure to tell the person exactly what you’ve done magickally and be sure they are okay with it.
The ingredients are all associated with the moon as well as healing our emotions and relationships. The coconut garnish is a very important ingredient which should not be overlooked as it is the “seal” to the spell.
You can alter the amounts in the ingredients based on your tastes as long as each ingredient is used.
You will need:
A Blender
Add the ingredients one by one into the blender doing each visualization as outlined below.
1 Cup of yogurt
Plain Greek Yogurt is a a great choice. Yogurt is said to connect us with our emotions. Vegans can substitute with coconut yogurt as it has the properties of peace and healing.
2 cups frozen blueberries, thawed
They are used for both protection and healing and in this case we need both. Add 1 cup of the blueberries while focusing on protecting both parties’ feelings and hearts. Then add the last cup while focusing on healing the relationship.
1 tablespoon roughly chopped cucumber (or to taste)
Use whatever cucumber you prefer or is available to you. When adding to the blender focus on “keeping a cool head”. Cucumber is tied to the emotions and has long been used often for keeping calm. “Cool as a cucumber” may have stemmed from this magical property. When everyone is calm you can discuss the real issues without tempers flaring.
1/4 cup Papaya, roughly chopped
Follows the same associations as the other ingredients so as you add it to the blender focus on the friendship aspect since we’ve covered the healing aspect.
Milk if needed for texture and/or flavour
Blend all the ingredients thoroughly in the blender. Start on low speed and as the ingredients mix you can slowly turn up the speed until completely smooth. If the mixture is too thick you can add some milk until the desired texture is achieved. Coconut milk is a great choice for both energy and flavour.

Pour mixture into goblet style glasses and then garnish.
1 Tablespoon shredded coconut
Coconut has long been used for peace and healing and as it is the garnish for this drink we are treating it like a “seal” for this spell. You are going to sprinkle it on top of each smoothie while visualizing healing and peace sealing into the mixture..
Note: while it’s not necessary for the magickal success of this smoothie, I like to toast the coconut before adding it as a garnish. It adds a really nice nutty flavor that blends well with the creamy ingredients. To toast, heat up a skillet on low heat, add the shredded coconut and move the skillet back and forth to keep the coconut constantly moving, and do so until it is slightly browned and fragrant. Coconut will burn very fast so don’t leave it unattended or you will have to start again.
I wish you happiness in all of your relationships.
Many blessings,
Lady Black