October New Moon

Today is the new moon in October. I like to use the energy of this moon to prepare for Samhain. I get my altars cleaned, cleansed and blessed. I make way for the coming Sabbat in my home and in my heart. I plan out my Samhain activities, our feast and offerings.

I always do a new moon ritual to help make way for new things in my life. New experiences, messages, wisdom, knowledge etc. I clean my house and head of clutter.

Now is a time for fresh growth. Since the Witches’ New Year is almost upon us, use this new moon to go over what you’ve done and experienced this past year. How much have you grown? What is stagnant in your life? Are there goals you accomplished? We often grow more than we realize and it’s important to recognize your accomplishments, lessons learned and new experiences (keeping a journal helps immensely). Doing this helps us prepare for Samhain and the next cycle.

Honor the new moon in whichever way you feel is appropriate. Do a candle ritual. Go outside and find that little sliver of moon and acknowledge the cycle. Gaze at the stars and connect that way. Find a ritual that suits you and your needs at this moment.

Many blessings,

Lady Black

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